Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Same Old Routine

There's not a lot new to report on the gang. The abrasion on Cirrus' face appears to be healing, so we haven't put the stuffed animals back on the cage yet. Their nighttime routine is pretty much back in their groove.Virga has been waking first and coming out to run in the wheel before any of the others. That's our signal to get their food ready and bring them into the office for play time. After they get their meal worms, Virga runs on the wheel and Cirrus explores before she crawls into M's sweatshirt.  Foehn and CB retreat back into their sleeping pouch before one of them decides to come out. Even when they do come out, they usually head right to M's sweatshirt. The room is then quiet except for the sound of Virga running in the wheel. However, even she caves in to the rest of them and joins them in M's shirt. One recent change, however, is that Cirrus has rediscovered the fun of climbing on the window screens. When M leaves to get ready for bed we have to fish them out of her sweatshirt, and then they decide to run and climb around the office, and me. CB is climbing up my shirt as a write this.

CB contemplates leaving the pouch after Foehn has left.

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