Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This 'n' That

Now that Foehn and CB have come so far in their "social development" the additional changes seem to come slower, which is natural, but they are happening.

A good sign that M was starting to get back to normal after her battle with a nasty virus for over two weeks was that she got back into sewing. With the holidays over it was time to replace their Christmas tree sleeping pouch with a new one. M made two new sleeping pouches, one a snowman and the other a mitten.

They are both hung in the cage, but Foehn and CB quickly picked the mitten pouch as their favorite. The snowman is just a little too roomy for them, as they do like to nestle down with their fleece blankets deep in the pouch. We usually leave the fleece blankets (about 6 x 6 inches) tucked in to the top of the pouch. Once they crawl in you see a little squirming, and then the blankets slowly get pulled down into the pouch. There's a little more squirming around as they get things just they way they want them, and then they go to sleep.

They have been spending more time on me in the tent. CB still likes to crawl in my shirt, and now Foehn has discovered my shirt pocket. There was a little incentive, however. I had a small piece of yogurt drop in the pocket, and of course she found it. The other night, however, after checking my pocket and not finding anything to snack on, she curled up in the pocket and made herself comfortable. I think she may have napped a bit, very unlike her when she is in the tent. She spent about 20 to 30 minutes there before she decided to come out and join her brother climbing and jumping in the tent.

M has been letting them out of the cage in my office and they are enjoying the extra exploration space. After climbing out of the cage tonight and to the floor, they started climbing up M's leg to her shoulder and jumping off to the side of the cage. They have never really come to us like that before and it's a sign that their trust continues to develop.

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