Friday, August 16, 2013

Some Slow Progress

Time in the tent, in close proximity. seems to have been gradually improving the situation between Sprite and CB. Sprite no longer chases CB, and they will actually get relatively close to each before one of them, usually CB, jumps away.  I have also wrapped one or the other up some fleece and held one close to the other. Tonight I had CB wrapped up, and Sprite just sniffed him and then walked away. CB wasn't exactly thrilled, but there were no problems afterwards.

We are still having problems with Foehn an her chasing. She goes after Sprite, and sometimes CB. She and Sprite ball up at times, but Sprite has become pretty good at anticipating her moves and stays ahead of her, often ending up on my shoulder.

One of Sprite's favorite things now is running on the treadmill in the tent. She will run as fast as she can to get it spinning, then stop running and hang on. Her head will be at the center  and she will hold on until the treadmill stops spinning, her tail straight out over the edge. When it slows down, she starts running to get it spinning again. It's like watching a little kid playing on one of the merry-go-rounds on a playground.

Sprite hanging on for a spin on the glider treadmill.

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