Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Colony Portrait

After a number of attempts to get a photo of all four gliders that wasn't just one jumble of fur, this morning brought success!  Today was weighing day, and on weighing day we roust them out of bed around 10:00 or 11:00 a.m., bribing them with licks of yogurt and meal worms. They are usually reluctant to leave the pouch, understandably, but food always does the trick.  I managed to get this photo this morning after they all had taken a few licks of yogurt. As is usually the case,  there were a number of other photo attempts that did not turn out before I got "the" shot. This one is a little fuzzy in the foreground (incorrect camera setting), but it was the best so far. I'll continue to try and get some more group shots.

CB, Virga, Foehn, and Cirrus (back to front)
This was their first weighing in two weeks, and we were curious to see how this one turned out. Virga, in particular, seems to have been really chowing down the last few weeks, and were were hoping it wasn't at the expense of the rest of the crew. However, all of them had gained two grams since last time, except for Virga who was down two. We usually don't worry about week to week variations in their weight (I calculate a 4-week running average), but we didn't want to see a big drop in weight.

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