Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bonding Progress

I just finished some time in the tent with Virga and Cirrus, and the "kids" are still sleeping.  Since they were in for the day by the time I came in at 6:15 this morning and only up for a brief time this afternoon for their snack, they have been sleeping for, oh, about 15 hours. Not only have they been turning in earlier because of the early sunrise, but they seem to have been sleeping longer as well.

Bonding has been progressing well with Virga and Cirrus. They have no qualms about climbing on us or jumping onto my arm or shoulders in the tent. They had a good time this afternoon climbing on M and exploring.  They both are starting to enjoy (or getting used to) being petted. The only time they seem to be holding back is when they are in their pouches (either sleeping or bonding). Virga, in particular, seems to have the biggest issues. Tonight they ended up in separate pouches after their afternoon snack, M took Cirrus, and I had Virga. M had her hand in the pouch with Cirrus who had no complaints.  I had Virga in her pouch on my lap and she started crabbing over the slightest disturbance. I opened the pouch to check on her and she turned up the volume while also assuming the "ninja" pose. So,  left her alone and she eventually calmed down. What's interesting is that she has no problems when we are in the tent or when we are feeding her snacks. There is no crabbing, no biting, no running away, and in fact she is rather laid back. It seems be only when she is in either the sleeping or bonding pouch. This is giving me some misgivings about the success of eventual introductions to CB & Foehn. While they may get along fine when they are out and about. I am worried that when it comes to potential pouch sharing that there could be issues. It's possible that each pair will sleep in separate pouches by choice which is no problem. We just have to be sure there are going to be no territorial squabbles

Well, CB and Foehn are now up and around, and the ladies have turned in for a nap after eating a little of their dinner. Time for me to turn in as well.

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