Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Milestones - 6 &1

By some coincidence we acquired all four of our sugar gliders about the 14th of the month. We picked up Foehn and CB on October 14, and Virga and Cirrus on March 15.  So, as of today Foehn and CB have been with us for six months, and Virga and Cirrus one month. Both pairs of gliders have made tremendous strides in their time here.

Virga and Cirrus - "the ladies" - are really starting to warm up to us. The last two mornings they have both come to the front of the cage when I came in to give Foehn and CB their yogurt treat, and now Virga and Cirrus are getting some too. I hope they keep doing that as it certainly helped establish trust with Foehn & CB. The ladies enjoy their tent time at and have no qualms about climbing on me. Cirrus, however, is still a little nervous with hands so I move slower with her. Tonight she was running up to my arm periodically and giving it a very light nip. I don't think it was grooming, but more like just feeling things out. They will let us pet them, but they aren't to the point where they will hold still very long for it.  CB & Foehn, on the other hand, will now just sit and let us pet them, and both (CB especially) like to have their bellies rubbed. CB also has slept in my hand several times now. In the morning when they get their yogurt treat they will both climb out of the cage onto my lap to lick my finger. They are mostly content to stay there until they are done and jump back into the cage to turn in for the day. Foehn occasionally will decide to explore for a bit, but it usually doesn't last long at that time because she is tired and ready to sleep.

For the last two weeks we have had their cages moved close to each other, about a foot or so apart, so they can start to get used to each other. Yesterday M started the process of switching pouch blankets so that they become familiar with each others smell. Of all four, Foehn seems to have a little problem adjusting. Right now she is curled up in a fleece blanket on the floor of her age while CB snoozes in the pouch. Virga and Cirrus don't seemed to be bothered, either. After a period of time of blanket switching we will switch the actual pouches. If that goes well, then the next step will be to see how all four do together in neutral territory.  Stay tuned.

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