Cirrus on M's lap just after her meal worm snack today. |
Yesterday was Cirrus' follow-up visit to the vet for her eye infection and a post-surgical check for the March surgery, and we got great news. The eye issue was cleared up (which we knew) and there are no signs of any recurrence of the cancer that she had surgery for in March. Even though she appeared to be in good shape to us, you never know and we had a little part of us holding our breath. Dr. W said that Cirrus is in great condition. Cirrus was very good during the exam as Dr. W. was explaining glider anatomy and behavior to the fourth-year vet student was was working with her that day. Cirrus' next follow-up appointment is in six months.
While we were at the clinic we made appointments for a wellness and baseline checks for Rossby and Sprite, and for our son's new glider, Ghost. This will be a little more of a challenge with Rossby and Sprite. They will stay on us and aren't afraid of us, but they are not crazy about being held. On the other hand, Sunday was "spa day" and we needed to clip their nails. I was expecting a wrestling match and bites to get this done (I hold them while M trims the nails), but they both were very good about it, almost better than the others. However, being examined is a little different. We'll be back at the vet on Friday for them.
Ghost at one month old. |
Then there is Ghost, our son's new glider. He is just a little over two months old. We are taking him in for our son because his work schedule won't allow him to do it. Ghost is a white mosaic glider, with black eyes, a white coat, and faint gray splotches and a faint gray dorsal stripe. We went to pick him up last weekend. He's a little guy at this point, only 55 grams. He still needs to be neutered, but he will need to be between 65 and 70 grams before that happens. From what we hear, at the rate he's eating he'll be in that range before too long. If everything works out he and Case (formerly Molly) will be cage mates eventually.
Ghost sleeping on the way home last weekend. |
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