Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Foehn and CB will be nine months old in two weeks. I don't quite know what that is in "glider years", but I think they are well into adolescence. At least their behavior seems that way  from a human viewpoint. CB reminds me of a teenage boy during our time in the tent. First, he is hard to "get out of bed"...he is slow to get started playing and would rather sleep. He has taken to regularly crawling into my shirt and curling up for a nap after coming out of their pouch. After 10 or 15 minutes I'll scoop him out. When he is finally up and around, he then spends time within my crossed legs grooming himself, seemingly forever. I've told M that we should get him a mirror because he reminds me of a teenager getting his hair just right. Even Foehn thinks he is at it too long. She will come down from her climbing and jumping to see what he is up to, and may even try to help him out. That will typically set off a little "wrestling" match, with both holding on or batting at each other and "tssting" (sort of like an abbreviated hiss). If they go at it a little too long I break it up, but usually that's not needed.

Over the last two weeks we have seen more signs their trust in us is solidifying.  When M has them out in the afternoon they tend to stay on or by her. When I have them in the tent they are constantly climbing up my arm, jumping on to and off my shoulder, and in general spending a lot of time on me. Even Foehn, whose favorite thing is to climb back and forth along the top of tent, now frequently departs from her routine to jump on my shoulder, crawl around from one side to the other, and occasionally nip my ear. The other night I experienced a first when not only did CB curl up in my shirt for a nap, but Foehn climbed into my shirt pocket for a nap herself at the same time.

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