We decided to make the attempt on Friday so we would have the whole weekend to deal with any issues that might come up. That morning I washed all the cages, and when everything was back in place it was time to see if they all would like each other. The last time we tried an introduction attempt (not these three) I spent several hours in the bathroom hoping things would work out, so I was expecting to spend part of my afternoon in there.
We spread a fleece blanket in the tub, brought in the "neutral" pouch and some extra fleece in case I had to separate them. M handed them off to me and so it began.
I set both pouches in the tub. For them it was the middle of the "night" (one reason we do it then) and none of them were anxious to leave the warmth and protection of their respective pouches. Flurry crabbed a bit as he will do still, and that got the attention of Sprite and CB. Sprite slowly ventured out of her pouch, and Flurry stuck his head out of his. Sprite approached him. I was talking to her and had my hand over her just in case. She got closer and closer - and then crawled right in the pouch with Flurry! Elapsed time - about 15 seconds. They sniffed each other a bit and then Flurry came all the way out. By this time CB was out and curious about what was going on. Flurry and CB approached each other, sniffed each other, and that was that! I brought in the neutral pouch and all three readily climbed right in.
CB (left) and Flurry (right) moments after they were introduced to each other. Sprite was still in Flurry's pouch (white and black one). |
The trio now have permanent residence in the large cage, and Foehn and Rossby are now in the smaller cage. In another month or so we'll see if we can start the process of getting two and three to become five. Should be interesting, to say the least.
Sprite, CB, and Flurry enjoying their first morning yogurt as a trio. |